World - Religious Groups
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See also under US - Religious Groups.
Christianity (General)
"Bloodline of the Holy Grail The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed." Laurence Gardner Fair Winds Press, 2002. LLS
Judaism/Jewish History
"The Jews of Jamaica." Ricard G. Barett. This book provides a list of names on tombstone inscriptions containing Hebrew, Spanish and Portuguese mini-biographical information from 1663-1880. Most records include vital information as well as other interesting details. M22
"Naturalized Jews of the Grand Duchy of Posen in 1834 and 1835." E.D.Luft, Avotaynu, 2004. Originally published 1836, containing about 5,000 Jewish names (~ 10% - 20% of Jewish population) in County of Posen, Prussia, now Poznan, Poland. A15
"Precious Stones of the Jews in Curacao; Curacaon Jewry 1656-1957." I. S. Emmanuel, 1957. 225 tombstones of 2536 persons, 1668 - 1859, men, women and some Rabbis, cemetery history and plan, biographies including family histories, chronological list of names, alphabetical list of family names + number of members + eldest tombstone year, large bibliography, general alphabetical index, 15 genealogies. JC4
"Colchester Quakers." Stanley Fitch. (I don't have the frontispiece or any of the other leading pages). Extracts of the Colchester Monthly and Yearly Quaker Meetings. 1600's to 1838. [England] CFW