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"Amerikan Suomalaisia (America's Finnish People)." Werner Nikander, Finnish College in Hancock, Michigan, 1927 Description: Biographical information, including some photos, of Finnish immigrants and American-born Finns living in areas of the U.S. during early 1900s. LT2

"From The Midnight Sun to The Long White Cloud - Finns in New Zealand." Olavi Koivukangas - Institute of Migration, Turku, Finland - 1996. This book is a history of Finns in New Zealand, with some biographies and photos - but the main part that I think would be useful to people is the surname index at the end, which lists all (or at least many) of the Finns who came to New Zealand between 1857 and 1990. Even if they didn't stay, they are still listed. DC10

Vaasa Läänit (County)

Kalvia, Vaasa, Finland - 2 volume set of books. Uuno Huhtala, Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Juvaskyla, 1989. This is a complete genealogical history taken from church and civic records for this and surrounding towns. It is complete with names, birth,marriage, and death dates, also a history of the area and each family (if information was available). It is in Finnish and Swedish. LF4